Community Education and Outreach Programs
Our Community Education and Outreach programs equip parents in Dallas and Collin Counties with the tools they need to build healthy, stable families. Our staff teaches parents how to practice effective parenting skills, build positive relationships with their children and increase support networks. We provide Child Abuse Prevention, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Sudden Unidentified Infant Death/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome classes as well as Car Seat Safety. We also hold classes mandated by the Dallas County courts to help parents understand the effects of separation and divorce on children and promote positive parenting during this critical time. Click here to contact Alicia Foxx for more details about Community Education and Outreach programs.
Bringing Families Together (BFT)
B.F.T (Bringing Families Together) is a community-based program that provides child abuse and neglect prevention services that target families with children between 0-12 years of age in Dallas and Collin County. Services are provided using the nationally accredited Triple P parenting program: Level 2 Seminar Sessions, Level 3 Individual Sessions, and Level 4 group.
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
Triple P is an international program that has been endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and found to decrease substantiated child maltreatment, child out-of-home placements and child maltreatment injuries in a randomized control study. The program seeks to create a stable, supportive and harmonious family, encourage positive child behaviors, deal positively, consistently and decisively with problem behavior, build positive relationships between parents and children, so that conflict can be resolved and there is a promotion of self-care of the parent.
Car Seat Safety
Car seat distribution and education program helps to ensure that all children, ages 0-8 years old, are riding safely in an appropriate car seat that is installed correctly. Please contact Jessica Pantoja at 214-370-9810 x115 to schedule an appointment. Both child and current seat must be present for inspection.