Our Home Mentoring programs guide and strengthen struggling families by providing one-on-one education and support customized to each family’s needs. Our staff go into high-risk communities in Dallas and Collin County and work directly with parents and children in their homes. Building on parents’ strengths, we assist them to develop their parenting skills and increase their understanding of child development. When parents use positive parenting techniques and have access to support and resources, research shows that they are far less likely to abuse or neglect their children.
Our Community Education and Outreach programs equip parents in Dallas and Collin Counties with the tools they need to build healthy, stable families. Our staff teaches parents how to practice effective parenting skills, build positive relationships with their children and increase support networks. We provide Child Abuse Prevention, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Sudden Unidentified Infant Death/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome classes as well as Car Seat Safety. We also hold classes mandated by the courts to help parents understand the effects of separation and divorce on children and promote positive parenting during this critical time.